Clearly Said

"Growth In Small Town America"

Clearly Said Season 1 Episode 5

Wrapping up, we don't just talk shop – we get personal, discussing the changing dating landscape and the art of finding love with intention. Then we dive into the nuts and bolts of financial literacy, giving practical advice for navigating the world of credit, loans, and home-buying. As we celebrate local sports legends and the pride they bring to our towns, we leave you with a powerful nugget of wisdom: never underestimate the power of belief and the strength of faith in your journey. Tune in for an episode that's a masterclass in living, loving, and thriving in the place you call home.

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Speaker 1:

I'm not trying to go to the party and bust people here is like I used to.

Speaker 3:

What's up everybody? We're back again. It's me Josh boom, and we got a special guest with us today. A lot of y'all know I'm a very familiar face in the area and some of you Don't. I'm gonna let him introduce himself.

Speaker 4:

Hey y'all doing. My name is JJ Burks, I'm a father, I'm a husband and I will cut off.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, that's a bad. That's why we got you.

Speaker 4:

I do real estate too, right you know. But you know I'm more than real estate. You know I'm saying I'm still a man, I Still do my thing. You know I'm saying kick it, come up here, kicking it with y'all. Being a part of this show right here, man. Like I said, I'm ready for it to happen.

Speaker 2:

Good deal, man, that's real too, like cuz, like you got a lot of people in your position. They feel like they don't got a kick in them over. You know I'm saying so just you to come over here with us just to kick it, give us some knowledge, to have fun. You know we appreciate it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, man, you always got to be yourself. I mean, you can't let certain statuses get you to that certain point, man, you always got to be relatable when you get there. I'm not saying I'm there, you know I'm not right. Still working, still working. I mean I got hired places. I want to be right. So I know, you know, with my plans and all that stuff I have, if I got them put like that, I know I'm one day I'm gonna end up with Tana.

Speaker 3:

I mean, but I love that. So, look, give us a little bit of background on you. Like how did the JJ that we see today come from? The ten-year-old JJ, the five-year-old JJ, kind of give us a background where you come from for the people that don't know you.

Speaker 4:

Man is. I mean, it's this guy. First, you know my mom. She prayed for me. I had a lot of people in the community seen, see me grow up and to be this man, that I am man and I always stay true to who I was. You know, I never wavered from being that, that Outgoing guy funny that they say I'm funny man. I don't try to be funny. So me not, you know, wavering back from trying to be a certain way, just me being myself and, like I say, putting God first and Making sure my wife and my family and all that stuff is taken care of. I think that's what got me here, because you know I try to be, you know, faithful towards, you know God and his plans that he had for me and also with you know, my plans that I have myself.

Speaker 1:

That's what's up. That's what's up. And the question is uh, was you always that way or did something like click thing your mind or Change your ways of your mind, though?

Speaker 4:

I always been this way, man, oh, always. So nothing is really click. But you know, once I start getting you know, older and becoming a man, I know this is a whole lot of stuff I had to put in line to be a little bit more serious about. Yeah, so I think that's the reason why I'm here now.

Speaker 3:

That's what's up, man. That's what's up. So, if you will Kind of describe yourself as an entrepreneur, for the people out there that only kind to know you, and then for the people that don't know you, because I'd like to know more too, because we know you got your hand in real estate, your hand in investing, your hand in Social media, influencing, your hand in a bunch of different stuff. So you describe yourself as an entrepreneur and what role do you think you specialize in?

Speaker 4:

You know, like I always say, man, I'm, I'm, I'm more than real estate. You know, I don't want people just to look at me and just narrow me down as a real estate person. Man, I just go out there and I do, I, I do what I'm comfortable with. You know, I'm saying Real estate is one thing that I do, but when it come down to, you know, being there for my family, being there for my, you know, for my kids, and this being an upstanding guy, that that's what I'm more focused on. You know, and what got me there, man, I was just, I was working at AT&T a long time ago and I had a.

Speaker 4:

I had a guy that I was working with that told me a man, you should try real estate. So got in it, man, and I knew it was for me because I, I did all the proper steps to get there and you know, I fasted and prayed and Soon as I got it. I mean, I knew it was for me because that next day I stepped out of from working with AT&T and I had one deal On the contract. So I already know this right. Here was my it's up. It's up in my first, my first month in real estate. I closed four or five deals, man, and, and there is ever since then I've been, I've been up, was up from there, yeah, man, and some people just look at it like, oh man, you doing good. But man, folks don't realize. Man, I'm on the road.

Speaker 3:

You're working.

Speaker 4:

People don't see the deals and stuff that has fallen. Yeah, you know, I'm at the, I'm at the closing table. I mean you baby clothes man, I'm here now. I don't bother about the closing gifts and all that. Well, I mean, go close first. So they see the glory, they see the achievements, but they don't see the stroke.

Speaker 3:

I don't see the grind. They don't see it, man.

Speaker 4:

See the grass. What's a hustle out the ground. Fact, fact, you got a grind guess that's, that's, that's big too.

Speaker 3:

And that takes me to another thing, and we kind of talked about it oh, I think it may have been episode one, I can't remember. But so, with you having the mind you have, and you know, you have the business acumen, why didn't you go to a bigger city? And then, and what's your mission as an entrepreneur? Staying here? Because you not only stayed here, you invested money in Nettleton, right, am I correct? So and I'm not saying talking stuff either way, because people those not much bigger than Nettleton, right, but you know, tupelo is the bigger city for this area right so why didn't you leave a two-part question?

Speaker 3:

and then, what's your mission as an entrepreneur here?

Speaker 4:

I mean, I'm always a hometown guy. Everybody know I'm from Nettleton, mississippi, you know I'm saying that. I know. You know the land of, the land of milk and honey.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

God's land. We are God people. You know I'm saying, and like I say I mean I know I'm always reflect back to when I'm coming from. But the reason what led me back to Nettleton, me and my wife and I always keep in mind I always say my wife- and. I was, uh, we were sitting on the patio one night you know, having a little patio night, you know got a little drink.

Speaker 4:

So you know we just talking. And she said man, jj, I want to open up my own business. If I can get one business man, I'll be good. I not a business, I just want a brick and mortar. Mm-hmm man, I promise you Probably. A week or two later I got a phone call hey man, judge, I need you to sell these properties for me in Nellerton. I'm like hold on, man, what you, what you doing selling awesome stuff down in Nellerton? Hey, right, so not only was it one property, but it was three properties that fell in our lap. And I'm like man, this ain't number God had to get it, man, it's in the town to, it's a city.

Speaker 3:

They sell something ain't brought it by you for Father. No, hey, we need to get this right.

Speaker 4:

A t-shirt to God, father, it's coming yeah so we bought them and I walked into him and, and my wife, she already overdesigned and you know how to structure stuff around and she said that I can make this work. That's how it cool. Oh, call a bank. Hey, man, write it up, let's get it done. And so we got them. Put them together. She opened up simplicity and I didn't know Tim.

Speaker 4:

Okay and then after that we had other. We got another two venues on it. We were trying to figure out what we're gonna do, so we came up with opening up an event center I got, so we got a event center called simple events and we we have everything under umbrella. So I got one more property down there that, uh, I don't know what I want to do, but Someone gave us an idea saying y'all need to set up a nonprofit organization. Yeah, and we set the nonprofit organization up.

Speaker 4:

It's called simple snacks simple snacks Okay so I think that's what I'm gonna do with with that building. So base is gonna bridge the gap for hunger for kids over the weekend for. Friday To Monday when they get back to school. So we have a place for you know, to keep the food and they can come by and pick them up or we'll go deliver it to school.

Speaker 3:

So you know you made it. When you start giving back like that oh. Start having it to give, because they say the only way to help the poor is to not be one of them. Right, obviously you know. The Bible says and I'm paraphrasing that the poor will always be with us. You know what I mean, and so it's always gonna be our mission to help people that are less advanced. You may not be poor, but you may need some help you don't make it, man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, when you when you can start helping folks and handing out food and postcard. You know, hey, I got, I need this, I need that, and you on the way, that's what's up, man. So so if it goes to that, I don't want to get too far away from that bone. I want to go to what you think, and Chas, and and to Come back to JJ, because I I said this before we lose a lot of our young, bright talent To Atlanta and Nashville and Memphis and Birmingham and other places because people think that they don't have an opportunity To succeed here. What would you say to those people? To try to keep them here, or do you encourage them to leave, because I've heard older people that either their dreams were dashed or or for some reason they didn't execute. They say get out of here, leave ain't nothing here.

Speaker 1:

What do you say, though? I feel like it's what you make out of it. I mean, deep down is really how much you really want it like. Trust me, if you can't make it here, you can't make it nowhere. Yeah, I Honestly feel like I honestly feel that you know, if you're not a people person, you're just not gonna be a piece of people person in in a bigger city. Yeah, you know, if you, I Mean if you don't like to shake hands, you're just not gonna shake hands when, yes, you don't go either.

Speaker 3:

I got you. What about you suggest?

Speaker 2:

I mean, like I said on the first episode, I was one of them people that like I was thinking I'm like brain and it's too blow for me, but like I was feeling, I was feeling like I done, tried everything from I'm hosting parties, trying to do this and that I'm like, but it just ain't, it ain't clickin. So I was like, but I need to, I Need to move. So I did move. You know I'm saying like that didn't work either. So I was like you know now moving ain't always, yeah it ain't always I'm.

Speaker 2:

So I came back out like bro, like from now on, just whatever I do, bro, I'm just gonna like, I'm just gonna go hard at it, like it ain't gonna matter where I'm at.

Speaker 1:

And don't get me wrong, yeah, it's gonna.

Speaker 3:

It's a lower scale, but if you can do it on a lower scale, I'm sure you can do it on a higher scale too If you're to a bigger city and maybe, maybe it just depends on the market, but I don't wish your thoughts on it Well, not the market, the what's, what's the word that I'm looking for, what you trying to do, cuz like you trying to be a Dancer, a classical dancer, where you're not gonna be able to do that here, cuz there's no stage for that here. You see, I'm saying we do got social media.

Speaker 4:

You can. You can do anything you want to. If you put your mind to it, you can do it. Okay, it's all about getting the right people behind you. You know you, you share your vision with them, what you want to do, like I seen you something. I Seen someone come up with a business that's crazy in the Soto County.

Speaker 4:

Uh-huh and you got to find things that other people want to do and make a job out of it. And guess what this man was doing? I was that he was going around neighborhood passing out business cards and I Looked at the business card he cleaned out garbage cans. Really, yeah, who want to clean out garbage can? I mean nobody. You know all the stuff that's in the garbage bin. Right, he had a machine where you clean up garbage cans, and Not only that, you can do a one-time fee, or he has set you up on a monthly subscription.

Speaker 4:

I man, how crazy, it's crazy. But you got the need and made a job. Yeah, I mean, that's what it's about, man. It's opportunities out there all kind of ways. You know, I'm saying, and you just got to come up with one. I mean you can't sit around here and try to do what this next man do and Thank you, gonna be successful, like him Exactly. That might not be, that might not be your ministry. I got you know saying so you got a. You got to just stick to your ideas, man, and just just go with it.

Speaker 3:

Solve the problem like find your niche. Don't chase the money. Chase a purpose and the money will come.

Speaker 4:

Hey, that's what I tell people all the time. I said man Ain't messed up about the money. Okay, I mean, I don't want to fall out with you over no, no money. You know I'm saying at all. So if you start trying to chase the money, you're gonna start doing a whole lot of evil stuff to get it. So if you need, you need to go on and push for your passion when you're doing something like you got a business. You ain't gonna set around here Just trying to do some some shikes you stuff to mess up your business and you're not gonna hire anybody to do it like that Either. You know I'm saying right. So just always do what's right. Don't don't focus on the money, just focus on the business and the passion that you have for.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, good, good, I'm gonna switch to switch gears a little bit, because we just came and celebrated with you a couple months ago at Deck the halls. First, why did y'all stop doing deck the halls?

Speaker 4:

You know from the beginning man, we had a gap period. Man With deck the house, man deck the house, one of the biggest you know.

Speaker 3:

One of my. And then, when did you stop?

Speaker 4:

we started in 2008 or nine okay, it was just, it was just a couple, me and my friends freshman I Mean me and Patrick me and what you say, amen, we need to do. Deck the hall, he said. He said dick the house. I said you know what deck the halls were? Alcohol.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yeah that was the first name of it then. So we put it out there and people start growing to it, so we made it an annual thing. So what made us stop was it wasn't a big enough venue in Tupelo because they saw the anger sentence.

Speaker 3:

It means to be state they saw the egg.

Speaker 4:

So we was in limbo for like a Year and after that we just say you know what, we got to go Whoever we can, just you know. Fine, right out here, but the crowd Is too big, it was just too big and you know that success.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's a good problem to have no, like bone, like you understand, like deck the house, like I was outside, if they could do a doctor, really, I think y'all Like the doctor really on deck the house, cuz there's like one of like like bro, they like now that they have celebrities in their days low, who came to one. You know, I'm saying like it's crazy, like, and which I'll first, one at the summit center, or that the second one, no, we had Now, we always got the egg.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you always got the egg. But then you know we start doing spin-offs. So it came from deck the halls to the heat wave, right, yeah, you know, that was a part that we had over the summer around 4th of July, mm-hmm, and the reason why we couldn't get the egg on the 4th of July, because they already had it. You know, he armed up so we went up there to the summit center. That's when we had had it out there. But it all depends on the location, gotcha, because location is the key when it come down to to having any event or anything like that. But man, deck the hall, yeah, like this is a big party.

Speaker 2:

It'll never be another legendary thing like decked home.

Speaker 3:

But so, with you saying that we still have deck the house and we just had deck the house 2023, and I think deck the house 2023 was was a success you tell me this Was the deck the halls 2023, to quote-in-quote Big city for the people around here to get with. And I say that because of two things. One event bright. People had the buy tickets on event bright. Right, we know our people's like cool, let me give you some bread, let's just get some. Bring my tickets to the barbershop.

Speaker 3:

No, you, you got to go on event bright and handle business the right way, right. And two, you're selling sections and stuff ahead of time, right, some people think the prices may be too expensive, but if you go to it to get them, I wish they had come right, because to get the vibe that you got in Nashville or Atlanta, you're gonna pay double Memphis if you go to and I'm not gonna say the name of the spot, but I went for my cousins, yeah, bachelor party cuz. We paid, I think it was, I Think it may have been like $1,800 for for six seats. Oh, and then it was $400 per bottle. You had to get four bottles and it was.

Speaker 3:

It was crazy. Well, I mean, if you're gonna go out in big cities, you gonna pay that am I right? Yeah, yeah, I'd be expect to pay that, and so back to the question. Before I ramble, was it this man? Was it too big city for these people, or did you? Or do you think you started off going too far the first time? Bring it back.

Speaker 4:

No, like I said, I had a plan, I had a vision. I don't think our you know the group that I had it with I don't. I Don't think I went too far with it, because if we would have came out with anything less, people would have talked trash about. That's a fact. When you came cuz you bought a lot of sections when you came to that party, how was the vibe for you?

Speaker 3:

Oh, we was. We was excited to be there. We was lit when we walked in. You, you were a great host. You met us at the door. You know I'm saying this way your section is we bringing bottles. It was lit. Music, music was lit.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah it was set up, right man, and I can't say it was too big for this area. You gotta think about it that the house was going on for 15 years. You have people that has outgrown that party life. I got you and I'm not in it.

Speaker 3:

You know I'm saying it's real you know I'm not in it.

Speaker 4:

I mean I'm not in it, no more like that. So the people my age and I ain't go. I ain't gonna stroke my age up here, but you know it's a blessing to make it, so say yes. Yes, my age. I Can't reach out to them no more because they got families.

Speaker 2:

I got, you know they got kids, they got stuff.

Speaker 4:

Now, if we go out here and get the you know the people around 20, 25 when you know, yeah, that right there would have been that they cry. But I Don't want to look, for we want to look at father riffraff. So that's why I'm trying to make it up scale. But we also had a day party to right yeah, oh yeah it was a mimosa party and y'all missed out.

Speaker 3:

I ain't gonna lie to you, cuz I couldn't do both of. I said it I'm gonna go and turn up and drink this morning and go and then turn around and come home. I said I got to have a nap and all that. I said we should go tonight. Yeah, I heard the day party was lit, yeah, like unlimited mimosas type deal and all that so, but but I enjoyed it. I don't know if either one of y'all got a chance, no, but but I enjoyed it. I thought it was. It was a success. I thought it was set up well and I thought that you were a pioneer in the fact that you got somebody got to go on and do it. Everybody saying folks ain't gonna get with that in super low, somebody got to do it first.

Speaker 4:

You think about this trance up? Y'all up here tripping about the event bright.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

I'm buying some ticket, but y'all going in by, y'all join you go. You go in there and by Jordan, you don't know how, you don't know how to do, you got to have to wait on you got a hope you get it, you don't know how to check out. Yeah you go on door. I mean, I don't know door that's not down here. Yeah, you got door, that you know how to go ahead and buy your food on door.

Speaker 4:

That yeah stop making the excuse. You know I'm saying yeah, so event bright ain't got nothing to do with it, because you got a computer in your hand all day. Exactly you is. It's self-explanatory. You want this? Click, boom, check out so. That one, that one there, excuse, I mean that I mean that, yeah, they can get rid of that they going in by All kind of tickets online, exactly and they, cat Williams, cause long stand.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and they bought that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely bought that you can. He had liquor and then in there I'm saying so.

Speaker 3:

Exactly yeah, and so up and and another point is, some people were saying that you know you didn't have a big crowd. I Was there, you was there, the other gentlemen didn't get a chance to make it. I'm gonna say do you know the square footage of that building?

Speaker 4:

man, yeah, it was all that spot fits. Oh, they told me that spot like 2,500 people, it was huge. Yeah, yeah, we got in whole time.

Speaker 3:

If it had a crowd and any other beat, it would have been spewing out the door Right, right, and so people didn't get a chance to see that the dance floor was huge and the room was huge, so people were spread out. If it had been a room that was half that size, it would have been like shit it just dumps, yeah and so I think that was a part of the problem too. The room was just so big.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, man, and like we always want this time we wanted to give a venue, to give it something different. We wanted to give it something different, yeah we wanted to give you Atlanta, Houston, Vegas vibe Right, and I think it was there that people come out in support. Some did, Some did yeah. But you know it's what it is. You know we take our losses just like we take our wins.

Speaker 2:

Right, that's what it is.

Speaker 1:

All right, so it's been a loss though.

Speaker 3:

Who me? Don't forget your question, Chad.

Speaker 1:

Uh, because I don't think so. No, I don't Me either.

Speaker 3:

Maybe a financial loss, but not a loss in the aspect that we brought the party back and y'all know we're here to stay.

Speaker 1:

Every trendsetter got to start off something. I feel like you really started something.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean, we just want people to if we do it again.

Speaker 3:

But go back. Yeah, Is it a loss to you?

Speaker 4:

From my goal. Yes, okay, my goal. Yes, I got it. I had a number in my mind that I wanted Uh, did we get it? No, but you know, we still came out in the green.

Speaker 3:

Right, yes, and so will we see it next year, or we don't know just yet.

Speaker 4:

I don't know man, I got to fill it out, man go ahead and do it man, man look, they told us.

Speaker 1:

You don't know what somebody else is going to do.

Speaker 2:

No, but I told you this year yeah like everybody blown up to them and do it, and then y'all don't, y'all let it, then y'all don't support. Yeah, y'all understand that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the problem that we had is the crowd that we want, man. We want the people that know how to act, know how to you know conduct themselves when they out, when they out in public, and you know you get them a riffraff folks man and I ain't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see, and they bring me to this question like like how can we get something down here that's for them? Type of people you're talking about, like.

Speaker 3:

I'm glad you said it.

Speaker 2:

Like the people that's out of their riffraff stage and they just want to come and have a good time like I like a part of this 30 and up. I don't want a part with nobody that's under 30, because these young dudes, like this new generation, do not know how to Like they having fun just going see a couple of fights I mean we had fun, they were fighting. That ain't fun, bro. Like when you go to a party and have fun like bro, you, you literally like you just there having fun, like and I just want to see something down here to a like you know we can, we, by age, can go and just have a good time and I had to worry about all here. Here come them, young dudes, yeah, yeah, like.

Speaker 3:

I don't. Before you answer that, remember what he said, because that was really my next question is how do we spice up the nightlife and make it more classy in this year? Not that, and I don't want to try to like disparage a crowd of people, because I've been to all types of parties in every place that's got parties.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm saying but as you get older, you have a different taste and you have a different outcome of what you want the weekend or the night to look like. So how do we spice up the nightlife, just like Chaz was asking?

Speaker 4:

Man, you just got to find that crowd and you got to cater to them, because they already put the feedback that I got after they seen the video that came out.

Speaker 3:

Great video Shout out to, it was the Bose, yeah, my god what's up, man?

Speaker 4:

They were hitting me up. Oh man, I thought it was going to be some young kids there. Man I ain't young Right the year like I don't even know nobody 24.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

Right, he said it's 24. That young Right, right, right. So we just need to get that group of people back together. You need to set up something like. This is another thing that we're about to start. I mean, I'm about to go on it. This is the shameless pull. Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh. And it's going to be in my event center in Nilton, all right, and we're going to call it Good Fridays, okay. So Good Friday is going to be the last Friday of every month, okay.

Speaker 4:

It's going to be only a select few people. Okay, that's going to come in, you're going to have the VIP booth and you're going to be able to catch a vibe that way, okay, uh, I'm going to do it more. Invite only.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Uh, because, hey, you know.

Speaker 2:

Well, just make sure you invite me every time.

Speaker 4:

It's going to be on this list. Like what do you? It's going to be like that. So once I start to get into it, that's going to be a stitch. Yeah, so once I start getting to that point and it's going to start growing, all right, you know, because when you put a seed in the ground, it's water and you're going to want to grow, right, right. So that's going to be our vision with this one. So this is going to be we're going to call it Good Friday. It's the last Friday of every month.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because I'd be Invite only.

Speaker 3:

I like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because I'd be having like, like.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, because Invite, invite, yeah, yeah, yeah. Pleasing to see you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, which I would, Because you know, like, I have people that eat DM me all the time. But, like Chay, why you don't be doing party no more? Like you don't like no more, bro. Like I ain't going to say I'm just out of the party stage but I'm saying, but I don't want to. I said, bro, I can, it's easy to throw any type of party down here, but I don't want to do. I want to have some like, some class, yeah, yeah you know what I'm saying, like I'm 31 now, I ain't 25 years old, chay, no more.

Speaker 2:

So the stuff that I like back then, I don't like no more. I want a different vibe, like a grown and sexy. I don't want no.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then, on top of that, I'm going to the party to actually network. Like. I'm trying to build a connection. That's why I'm going.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you always working, ain't you To?

Speaker 1:

listen, listen, listen. I'm trying, that's what I'm trying to do, right right, right, my name out there shake hands and all that good stuff. That's why I'm going to party. I'm not trying to go to the party and bust people here like I used to. Hey, you used to be bad boy you doing that man come on man.

Speaker 3:

Bro you a fine.

Speaker 1:

They know, they nice.

Speaker 3:

Woo Bro, uh-oh, and he bought his smoke lads up, so we ain't going to do that, hey look.

Speaker 2:

Boy, you going to have folks in that deal and I'm like, hey, bro, tell a bone. Bro, exactly.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the business page won't smoke. Lads the end of his page. Yeah, the nearest month done. Yeah, exactly, look, hey, I want you to watch this ad right here. This is his business ad. All right, we'll be right back. I would like for you to come back and we discuss the state of dating, because dating now is not how dating was 15 years ago and it's definitely not how dating was when our parents dated. And so should people be dating to have fun and for how long if so, or should people always be intentional about dating when it comes to a long term relationship and, as soon as you start dating, be looking for the person that's going to be your forever person? I think that's a good question, a good discussion to have, because it's a question that we all have, like am I just dating to have fun or am I dating to find my wife, slash husband?

Speaker 4:

Oh man, you need to go and set that up. Set that up front. Say let's Like what we on Right, right, right.

Speaker 3:

I mean you know you could have fun, because we said that though, yeah, yeah, yeah, like you said it, I mean I'm feeling you.

Speaker 4:

I mean you already know who you want to be with, you know that you know it off top, don't you?

Speaker 3:

That's what we said. As soon as you start dating a girl, you can like, if you see her in the club, you ain't even got to know her. You'd be like I changed her last name?

Speaker 4:

I don't know, no.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I mean, okay, let me explain my point. And everybody different, but you look at her off her looks, and you immediately know there's more there than there is somewhere else. Now you got to get to know her. Of course you're not going to meet her and then in the morning, monday, y'all going down to the courthouse, yeah, so it's something that we've got to.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, people have done it. That's what I'm saying. It's different for everybody, I know. Chill out, bro, don't say that I don't know. If people heard that I ain't even been there. Man. I'm going to keep going, but anyway, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Let's count them for even getting going.

Speaker 4:

I tell them, man, like you, bet you probably don't want to get to know me because you may not like me, so whatever, but I get to get to know you.

Speaker 3:

I want them to know me from the jump, because I don't ever want people to say I lied to them.

Speaker 4:

And don't you keep it up front and straight? That's what it is. Yeah, like you got to sit here and lie. I mean what you going to do? I mean I'm offering this, you want it, just no, no, okay, then, how late, how late.

Speaker 3:

I got you, so y'all heard it here first.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, y'all did, but you know I'm a married man, right, right At the game At the game, so I'm going to switch it up for you right here. All right. So I'm going to talk about the nightlife and we talked about some of the business that you've done. I want to switch it back to the business for a second before we kind of get silly with it. All right, more people in America have card notes than mortgages. Why do you think that is, and is it, a good thing?

Speaker 4:

It all depends on the area that you're in. I mean, to buy a house, you got to have a job Right, so you got to have transportation to get there. True, you know what I'm saying. So you know you go to the big cities. Yeah, they got, you know, public transportation for people, but around here, like more in the rural communities, they still need to get to work Right Now. Is that job providing them with enough money to purchase a home? Yes, but it's all about how your finances and stuff are set up. So that's what I'm thinking Like, you got to have your, you got to have a car to get back and forth to work, just to pay for it. So that's why they're buying cars now. That's how I feel.

Speaker 3:

So, Bone, what do you go ahead? No, no, you go ahead.

Speaker 1:

So is it easier to buy a house than a car?

Speaker 4:

No, no, Back in the day before the, they say back in 2000, and you know five, six or up to hey, they said the only thing you needed was a heartbeat to buy a house.

Speaker 3:

I was gonna say that's the reason why we got into the economic downturn, because too many loans were given out right.

Speaker 1:

Right, right. So I'm gonna follow up a question, because a lot of people was asking me this question and I really just don't know how to answer this question. But let's say I'm a new home buyer and I'm trying to get a SBA loan. What's the steps, what's the proper steps for me to actually get approved for it and to actually close on a house?

Speaker 4:

All right when you say SBA, you small business.

Speaker 1:

Small business.

Speaker 4:

All right, you're going. You would need, you know, your W-2s, that's if you got it. You know you're 1099. You got to have two years of tax. They have so many loans that's out there for small business. They got bank loans but they just look at your bank statement. But you got to make sure you got the supporting documents. With taxes, like you paying in on your taxes, that bank accounts and there's so many ways that you can do it. But if you're going to do it off of LLC, when it comes down to flipping properties and all that, you will need your operating agreement, your LLC information that you have the credit score. I mean that's going to be a big major thing. But I did find a banker or something told me a couple months ago that sometime if your credit score is not there and they see you make a good amount of money, you know it, an offset Right. But you know, just have your trying to have a good credit score, money put back and all your taxes and stuff in line.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I got you.

Speaker 3:

So you got your top five steps for preparing to buy a home, Because I remember so I bought my house that I'm in when I was 23. All right, but I had made my mind up at 21 that I wanted to buy a house.

Speaker 3:

And then when I went in, they said you're not ready. Right, you need to build your credit, you need to get this, this, that, that in the third. So what are your five things that you would tell a first time home buyer right now to get prepared to buy a home in 24 months?

Speaker 4:

All right. First step is call me Say let's, that's it. Call my boy now. Once you call me, I'm going to put you in connections with everybody that you need. You know, to get you. You know to to be in a homeowner, first thing that you really need to do, make sure you have your. You know your credit score there. Back before COVID hit it was a 581. You know I got different lenders that you know working with different, you know scenarios when they come down to credit.

Speaker 4:

So right now you're around a six six 20 to a six 40. You got to have you know job history, okay, and you got to have your bank account and stuff in a line in order, like guess what's been missing folks up there.

Speaker 1:

What's that? Let me guess. Yeah, yeah, yeah, let me ask you Bone guess Guess is with bone.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, game show music.

Speaker 1:

Give me a hint. Do not guess, just give me one hint, he already is buying a house.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I'm not a specialist, it's simple, but it's simple, it's simple.

Speaker 2:

But people we use it every day.

Speaker 3:

They ain't going to say that's going to be stupid, I'm going to let bone, I just feel like they credit us not up to date.

Speaker 1:

I feel like that's the main thing.

Speaker 3:

They already said credit. What is it?

Speaker 2:

Tell us.

Speaker 3:

Cash out.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

They ain't got bank accounts.

Speaker 4:

No, what's going on? Is it a?

Speaker 3:

real bank account.

Speaker 4:

No, they got the bank account because that's how they transfer their money over Right. So I had a lady sit down, we was going over the thing and I said look, you got to make sure you got your stuff. I said you probably need to push off cash up a little bit because they looking at all that they was doing, that shit.

Speaker 4:

So every time something deposited, they like, okay, where you get this money from? And she said, yeah, you know I'll get somebody to send me five, six thousand. I'm like, baby, what are you doing to get five or six thousand? Call it fast. I'm like I need to know because I need to try to get five or six thousand dollars too. And y'all see, when people like I say, buying the Jordans and all that stuff, they're going there, set up a payment plan.

Speaker 3:

Afterpay, afterpay, messing them up.

Speaker 4:

Man, they get up there and say yo, this afterpay is now part of your debt.

Speaker 3:

Wow, afterpay. Whoa, that's a big short. Hold on, that's so afterpay is being listed as part of a liability on people's debt to income ratio.

Speaker 4:

Yeah because they're going to see it come out of your bank account. Some people got to pay that off, that debt off, before they can just go and move on.

Speaker 3:

And people look at afterpay as a small thing like, oh, I'm only paying twenty five dollars for this many months, but if you add up six or seven afterpays, that's going in. That's putting you into a deficit. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then if you miss a payment, it go down to just a late payment. I don't know how it worked.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to say that would be out of my mind.

Speaker 2:

I know, if you miss a payment, if you miss too many, like, say, you get some Jordans in, you just make that first initial payment, don't pay no more. Oh, but in full finnish. They going to close your account, they going to call you, they going to send it to a debt collector agency. If they just put debt collectors in, they going to call you every day and my cousin I was like boy, you better pay them for that. I said that before I ain't playing.

Speaker 1:

But I'm sure it don't increase your credit though.

Speaker 3:

No, it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

That's the credit thing they're going to damage your credit, but they're going to increase your credit and I think cell phone bills are like that.

Speaker 3:

I think they're reported. They don't increase your credit but it damages your credit, like if you close a line or something like that.

Speaker 4:

That was something like at the closing table, we getting ready to close. You know like they'll look at your credit again, probably like a week before it closed and they had a Verizon deal to hit their credit and it was going into collections Wow, Like $600. Now you can't close on the house.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I know, they got them hurt. No, I was hurt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, did you put him in a tent? He gave him commission and all that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah thanks, bruh. I'm like, come on, man, and it wasn't my client, it was just, it was the buyer of a home that I was selling, so it was just that's even worse.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, can you pull that video up? Yeah, okay, so.

Speaker 2:

Look here, man Video.

Speaker 3:

He didn't get you right right here.

Speaker 2:

No, all right, all right, all right, so so you know we'll wait for you to come, you know we setting up and my boy like hey, man, y'all ain't hear what he said on uh TikTok. I'm like, I'm like, bro, I don't know what he said. Listen to this, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

Dude, you don't have musicians from Medleton. Y'all ain't got no freedom of acceleration to close, not after yeah, so what?

Speaker 3:

I mean hold on, hold on, oh, that's it, that's it.

Speaker 2:

So like how could you say that Name one? What did you mean by that Name one? You asking him to blow? They said to leave.

Speaker 1:

They said to leave right now.

Speaker 3:

They said to leave oh, that makes up a real athlete.

Speaker 4:

Or is that just wrong?

Speaker 1:

I'm to blow, I'm saying like name one, you name one, I name one back at you Go.

Speaker 4:

You just trying to take some time.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to talk about some people that went to the league. No, no, we got Name one.

Speaker 2:

Alice Carrot.

Speaker 1:

Chad Bonfors.

Speaker 2:

Come on.

Speaker 3:

What's her boy name? And play baseball.

Speaker 2:

Chris Stradden.

Speaker 3:

That count? Did he not win a title?

Speaker 2:

Yes, he just won a World Series.

Speaker 4:

OK, then I mean, I can't.

Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, but listen, listen. She went far, all right 10 white.

Speaker 2:

We can make a width more. Get it. Hold on now. We just retired, they jerks Now we just gave you some now.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you know what I'm saying. I mean hold on, let's let him know, we got some now. All right, we wait.

Speaker 1:

The Lamb of.

Speaker 4:

Wilkin honey, the Lamb of Wilkin honey. God, look, y'all know, we got Jason Ferguson. All right, we had Bill Hall. Ok, you know what I'm saying, but how?

Speaker 2:

many people from Ferguson from NET oh what I ain't talking to that.

Speaker 1:

I got it so quick, though you just told me something how many we got Ray Schroeder.

Speaker 2:

He said in the lead they ain't no athlete, let's consider a lead. No, it's you.

Speaker 1:

It is. Don't Look.

Speaker 3:

I support you, get your McClain.

Speaker 1:

I think I'm not scared. Come on man. Man hold on Just anybody.

Speaker 3:

Y'all have anybody in the.

Speaker 4:

Olympics. Y'all have any Olympians from now? We don't have an Olympian. We got some from Nellerton, not that I know of All right, well, I'm with Bon.

Speaker 3:

We got Ray Schroeder.

Speaker 4:

I mean y'all got.

Speaker 2:

Elvis too, I had that in the past.

Speaker 3:

We do, we do got Elvis.

Speaker 2:

Hey, but not hey, but I can't lie, I don't have anybody that went to the Olympics.

Speaker 4:

And that lady is her sister. I mean they teach at. She's a principal at Two Below High School.

Speaker 2:

All her sister went to the Olympics or she went to the Olympics, went to the Olympics to win.

Speaker 3:

Ok, we got her Nellerton and she from Nellerton. I didn't know that.

Speaker 4:

Man, nellerton, man, everybody look, nellerton is getting Two Below. Right, you hear me In all the educational things. Man, this, take people from Nellerton to come out here.

Speaker 3:

This man, they had the comments and lived with us all.

Speaker 4:

I'm trying to get you all right, man so did you Think about it?

Speaker 3:

So I agree with you that y'all have a bunch of athletes that went to the league and were successful. For sure. I didn't know about the Olympics either, but I don't think that you can say that there are no real athletes that came from Two, Because if we're just talking about athletes, high school athletes, high school athletics Two Below can line them up from front to back Now, but y'all do have more athletes that went to the league and were successful. What I just said.

Speaker 2:

Oh, springer, what I just said before you came, I said, I said now there's three names, three people, no, no, obviously it's more than that three, because he didn't agree that you didn't say. But I said there's three people that he can bring up that can go to battle with anybody from Two Below Canar Springer Pierre Hadley and Jeremy Ward. Like man, you got email, well, but I'm talking about just the one that I.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean a lot of folks now. It's like we well rounded down Every sport. We'll beat y'all in ping pong if they put it up, you know.

Speaker 1:

This man. This man.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I will win you at first. Come on, man Y'all, man man.

Speaker 2:

One long that went to the World Cup. So did, ok, I didn't know that.

Speaker 3:

What year was he graduated? You know.

Speaker 1:

And it's been back in Two.

Speaker 2:

Coach Hadley went to the league. Coach Hadley, yeah, he went to the league.

Speaker 3:

No, no, don't you talk about for your head.

Speaker 2:

Don't you talk about your head, man?

Speaker 1:

Got a tape, brother friend, to come up. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Like we got a word coming in. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I was probably going to be. Y'all trying to catch up then.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah we trying to catch up.

Speaker 4:

Y'all need to get to the Olympics then.

Speaker 3:

Well, look, man, look, I want to wrap the show this way, right here. This is a question I want to ask you. You're the first guest that I've asked this question to. All right, all right. If the world was your audience and that center camera was your mic, what would you say?

Speaker 4:

Pray and never doubt yourself.

Speaker 3:

That's it Through the set podcast. Love, is it? I think it is Damn man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because you don't do it, Because you really had to Go, go, go.

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